convective precipitation

  • 对流降水;对流性降水
convective precipitationconvective precipitation
  1. An Experiment of Simulating Convective Precipitation with Cumulus Parameters and NWP Products


  2. Climatic Feature and Forecast of Convective Precipitation during June-August 2004 in Datong


  3. An analysis of atmospheric stratification factors before severe convective precipitation


  4. Analysis of Summer Convective Precipitation in Guangxi Province


  5. Also , atmospheric stability corresponds well to the convective precipitation on both the sides .


  6. Structures of a thermal convective precipitation system happened in controlling of the western subtropical Pacific high


  7. Along and ahead of the slowly moving cold front , heavy convective precipitation fell .


  8. Adaptive capability under convective precipitation or thunderbolt weather has been analyzed primarily .


  9. The probable position of mesoscale convective precipitation is analyzed with AMSU data .


  10. Lessening character time of cumulus activities will lead to increase in cumulus convective precipitation .


  11. A numerical simulation on dynamics and microphysics of convective precipitation over meso-scale mountain


  12. In convective precipitation , the variation of parameters of Typhoon case is greater than Mei-yu case .


  13. The unstable stratification in the lower troposphere was a necessary thermal stratification condition for convective precipitation ;


  14. Using a three-dimension terrain-following coordinate cloud model with detailed microphysical processes , a convective precipitation process is simulated .


  15. It indicates that the distribution of summer convective precipitation is ununiformed and varied for regions , and time .


  16. Characteristics of Strong Convection Storm Raining and Preliminary Study on Its Formation Diagnoses of a Heavy Convective Precipitation Event at Guiyang City


  17. Total precipitation increased in urbanized area and decreased in old town and suburbs , with the proportion of convective precipitation rising .


  18. Results show that stratiformis precipitation occupied more area and contributed more rainfall to the total than convective precipitation at the three times .


  19. The medium level suppression in the Doppler channel and high level suppression in the Surveillance channel can be invoked when convective precipitation cells are contaminated .


  20. A two-dimensional anelastic non-hydrostatic equilibrium cloud model has been used to simulate initial ice nuclei concentration affecting on cold cloud convective precipitation in this paper .


  21. A convective precipitation is simulated using a3-D convective cloud salt-seeding model , considering the microphysical processes between salt particles , liquid and ice particles .


  22. A summer strong convective precipitation event on 10 July , 2004 over Beijing is numerically simulated in this paper , and the impact of UHI on summer convective rain studied .


  23. Intensive convective precipitation usually occurred over the regions that VPRs detected together with no bright band , the big reflectivity factors , and the bigger reflectivity factors , the lower elevation angles .


  24. But it must be noted that , this approach has the risk of filter divergence and in the practical application , the updraft and downdraft producing from convective precipitation makes wind fields exhibiting nonlinear .


  25. Based on the volume scan data of Yinchuan New Generation Weather Radar about severe convective precipitation in 2004-2005 , the composite reflectivity images in polar coordinates were transformed into ones in plane-right angle coordinates .


  26. And meanwhile , the warm , humid southwest summer monsoon flow was also very active , the both met over the southern China , producing a vast area of the convective precipitation south of the cold air .


  27. Compared with gauges records , the proposed method shows its capability to improve the precision of precipitation estimation in a regional scale , however , for the case of intensive convective precipitation , only the LSM is applicable .


  28. To above mentioned three experiments , the changing of precipitation is mainly caused by the changing of cumulus convective precipitation over southern part of North China , but mainly caused by large scale precipitation changing over northern part of North China .


  29. The circulation caused by sea-land temperature difference has been simulated by using a two-dimensional dynamical model , the result shows that the heavy convective precipitation can further be developed in upward current regions of sea breeze front circulat ion .


  30. By the use of the thickness of echo ( 35 dbz ), the rise velocity and the height of echo top , and the height change of reflectivity core in the initial stage echo , the intensity of convective precipitation can be qualitatively estimated .
